WOW! I cannot believe this is the last blog post, this class went by so fast! Which I am happy about because this is my last session EVER! This class was overall great! I learned so much about teaching Language Arts. Our unit plan was so helpful for me because next year in my student teaching; we look at the Missouri Learning Standards and make lessons for our students. So this is what we did for this unit, so I think it was very helpful for me.
I also really enjoyed listening to everyone present their lesson plans to get different ideas on ideas for lessons for the future.
I loved how we did our discussions in this class (liked we talked about for a minute tonight). Being able to do them in class was great. They were also great for us to come up with ideas and to save for our future classrooms. I wish I could find a way to save all of our discussions from everyone to my computer so I could have them to look at in the future. I will just have to go through them again by next week and write done what I want to use in the future and save it to my computer :)
Overall, I think writing the 100 questions helped me a lot and made me think deeper the most. I want to be using DOKs more and doing this really helped me!
What was the most helpful thing we did in class for you?